Ultra Atomization Valve (UAV)

The Ultra Atomization Valve optimizes a vehicle engine for peak performance.

Drivers using the UAV will get better vehicle gas mileage, better vehicle performance and a longer lasting engine. Plus, their vehicles will need less oil changes and produce less smog.
The UAV takes the vehicle intake valve, a part within all internal combustion (4-cycle) engines, and modifies it to optimize the engine for peak performance.
The Time Had Come

It was time for an improvement on intake valves.

The Numbers
The Ultra Atomization Valve (UAV):

- Reduces vehicle emissions by up to 27% - Putting less smog in the atmosphere

- Increases gas mileage up to 20%, and

- Can reduce the need for oil changes by almost 90%
How Does The UAV Do This?
By burning the carbon that would have turned into carbon contamination.
Catalytic Converter
Because the U.A.V. burns the fuel with much greater efficiency. When the gas is turned from a liquid to a vapor before it enters the cylinders, this takes away stress from the engine. When you atomize fuel better, it causes a more even distribution in the cylinders. By atomizing the fuel better before it enters the cylinders, you get a better throttle response and a better power curve. With the introduction of the U.A.V. design catalytic converters may become a thing of the past.
Up until now there's been no real way to do this. Instead, a high percentage of the fuel actually turns into hydrocarbons. That's inefficient. No good for our wallets, no good for air quality or emissions.
Steven Garrett Bush, the inventor of Ultra Atomization Valve (UAV), worked as an automotive machinist for 38 years. Before that, he worked as a tool and die maker. He lives in Northern California.

"Our atmosphere can't take it anymore. It's time we cut down on the pollution. The better the gas mileage, the more efficient the engine, the less we pollute our planet."
-UAV Inventor Steve Bush